PhD, FE/EIT, US citizen
Structural Dynamic/Vibroacoustic/Vibration/Stress/Fatigue/Optimization Analyst & Researcher
971-533-8775 (home), Yorktown, VA 23693
Expert on mechanical structure analysis, testing, and design: loads, dynamics, vibration, vibroacoustic, stress, fatigue/fracture, sloshing; metal, composite, viscoelastic material; design optimization, statistical analysis; launch vehicles, spacecrafts, solid motors, liquid engines, aircraft engines, other vehicles or equipment; tests: fatigue, vibration (sinusoidal, random), modal, engine, acoustic, pyroshock, viscoelastic, wind tunnel; over 20 years of proven experience.
Nominated for technical leadership award at NASA/MSFC/Space Systems Department. Awards for random vibration, fatigue analysis, etc. Award for successful team work.
Finite element analysis
Structural dynamics: transient, harmonic, random vibration
Multibody dynamics: vehicle vibration simulation and control
Loads & dynamics
Coupled load analysis (CLA)
Bending modes analysis
Superelements/Craig-Bampton models
Liquid sloshing modeling and analysis
Monte Carlo analysis
Vibroacoustic, flow induced vibration
Buffet forcing function definitions based on wind tunnel tests
Aerodynamic load definition, in-flight fluctuating pressure
Aeroelasticity (divergence, flutter, gust, etc.)
Aircraft flight mechanics
SEA (statistical energy analysis) of launch vehicles
BEM (boundary element modeling and analysis)
Electric equipment/instrument isolation
Vibration control (isolation, dampers, neutralizers, absorbers, detuning, decoupling, etc.)
Vibration data acquisition and analysis
Composite analysis and design (wide and deep knowledge; dynamic analysis of aerospace structures)
Viscoelastic material characterization testing and analysis with ABAQUA (excellent match; major project at ATK)
Stress analysis: linear, nonlinear
Buckling analysis
Fatigue (time domain, NCODE; frequency domain, spectral fatigue, or vibration fatigue), fracture mechanics
Aircraft engine, modal, fatigue, random vibration, acoustic, pyroshock, viscoelastic material characterization; test planning, online monitoring, data validation and analysis, post-test model validation and response estimation
Optimization: structural optimization, Operations research, genetic algorithm,
DOE (Design of experiments), Response surface methodologies, DACE (Design and analysis of computer experiments, Statistical process control, Statistical Signal Processing, general statistical analysis
Data analysis and signal processing
Aircraft engines, space vehicles, launch vehicles, solid motor and liquid engine, spacecraft, railcars
Materials: metal, composite (very deep and wide knowledge and experience), viscoelastic material, wood (total anisotropic, 21 parameters)
CAD: NX, SOLID EDGE, AUTOCAD, ProE (short time)
NUCARS, ADAMS (View, Vibration, Control, learning), NeuralWorks, VISUAL C++, DAKOTA
Programming languages: MATLAB (SIMULINK), PYTHON, ANSYS (programming), CAM, FORTRAN, LISP
1. Aerospace Engineer, Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics, NASA LaRC, Hampton, VA, 1/2017-12/2017
Dynamic structural analysis of metal and composite launch vehicles and spacecraft
Couple load analysis of Space Launch Systems (SLS) with PYTHON and CAM codes
Buffet forcing function (BFF) definition based on wind tunnel (WT) tests with MATLAB for SpaceX
Provided a formal review for SLS BFF definition based on WT and research plan to significantly improve the methods
2. Senior Structural Dynamics Engineer, Vibroacoustics and dynamic environment, Virgin Galactic, 5/2016-10/2016
Dynamic structural analysis of metal and composite launch vehicles and spacecraft
Buffet forcing function definition based on wind tunnel test data and correlation length from coherence decay
Created new zoning rules for aeroacoustic vibration analysis, provided effective methods to calibrate and validate
Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) of a launch vehicle’s response to acoustic excitation with Wave6; FEA: NASTRAN
3. Staff Engineer, Aeroacoustic vibration/structural dynamics /stress/fatigue, Pratt & Whitney, 5/2011-4/2016
Dynamic structural analysis and testing of aircraft engines: static structures, rotors, blades, etc.; Vibroacoustic research
Lead aeroacoustic vibration methods, created a real breakthrough for zoning and PSD scaling, matching test results
Structural analysis, static/dynamics, harmonic/random vibration, stress, fatigue, fracture mechanics, with ANSYS
Static/rotating structures, compressor blade/rotor analysis, turbine rotor lifing based on fatigue & fracture mechanics
Post-test analysis with modal superposition: created new methods and matched engine test results; MATLAB for codes
Engine test online monitoring, noise detection and data validation, and digital signal processing
Modal testing and analysis: mode extraction, damping estimate, FEA matching tests (harmonic and random vibration)
Tools: created codes and GUI to combine MATLAB and ANSYS for fracture screening, compiled for Windows Linux
4. Senior Dynamics Engineer, NASA/MSFC (Marshall Space Flight Center), ESTS group, Huntsville, AL, 8/2009-4/2011
Dynamic structural analysis and testing of metal and composite launch vehicles (upper stage) and satellite
Dynamic analysis and testing for launch vehicles and spacecraft, str...
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